Ladies let’s talk cellulite. I know this is an on-going struggle and an uncomfortable topic, but statistically every 8 out of 10 women have cellulite so t […]

If you’ve gotten a facial, you may have had a small glass tube worked on your face that buzzed or lightly zapped your skin with a violet to red glow. This […]

Your skin is exposed to toxins, the sun and other environmental elements on a daily basis. On top of that your skin develops around three to four layers of dead […]

Can you briefly walk us through your story how you started and how you got to where you are today. You can include as little or as much detail as you’d li […]

Many of us can say that we have issues with our skin, but do we know what is truly going on? Do we know how to get rid of our blemishes correctly without […]

Looking for an easy way to keep your skin fresh between facials? Look no farther than your kitchen cupboard for natural and healthy ingredients for a who […]

Since the FDA approved over the counter use of AHA products in 1992 they have been used in a variety of products. What is an AHA though? It stands for al […]

Let’s talk enzymes. An enzyme is a substance produced by body cells that helps bring about or speed up bodily chemical activities (as the digestion […]

Lea’s favorite ingredient is Green Tea and it’s not hard to see why. It is one of the ingredients in her Eigard Essentials skincare line, inc […]